Thursday, August 14, 2014

What Happened to the Good Old Days of Retirement?

What Happened to the Good Old Days of Retirement?

In the good old days my parents and neighbors worked for their employers many years, often it was the same employer.  When the "golden" age of 65 came around they received a shiny new watch, had a party and walked out the door with a Pension and Social Security.  Often times all their basic income needs were met with these 2 guaranteed monthly income sources.

Personal savings and investments were used to travel, visit the grand kids, dinners out, attend ball games and help pay for grand children's college cost.  In a way retirement was already worked out for them with their employer Pension and Social Security without any thinking or planning ahead on their part.

Things today have really changed.  Today we face a financial/income cliff at retirement when money from Social Security will most likely be 1/3 or less than what we currently make.

I personally know people in their 60 who've worked for over 7 different employers.  Most couples have no pension, a couple of small IRA's, a 401K, and some savings accounts.  They worry about spending down their money quickly and living only on Social Security.  Safe planning for these folks is a must to ensure retirement income doesn't cease.

How can you make your money last?  This will be the discussion.

I've been on a six year mission after my 401K dwindled by 40% to find answers to my retirement income questions and I've discovered some great solutions within the insurance industry.  Things like Guaranteed Retirement Income for life (money in your mailbox every months for life) has given me peace of mind going forward.

I'll quote from many articles such as TIME Magazine and the Harvard Business Review that suggest these secure income product as a top choices.

I'll discuss the upside and the downside to these products and other investments.  I hope you'll find the discussions compelling and helpful.

Please come back! :)

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