Can You Afford to Lose 40% of Your Retirement Income?
Dear Future Retiree who Wants Certainty and Peace of Mind in Retirement,
Recently a client and his wife came into my office. Both in their 60’s. They were worried about running out of money during their retirement.
(Does that Sound Familiar?)
They had over $500,000 in 401K programs at the end of 2006... Not bad.
But at the end of 2008 the funds were crushed to under $300,000.
They wanted to make sure this Never happens again - especially just before they retire.
I asked: What did your financial adviser offered for a solution? I was shocked at the reply. “Nothing can be done, this was a market correction and these things happen”.
And next… “If you’d Shift more into bonds and less into stocks, that might help but will Not guarantee your investments won’t go down when the next crunch comes”
The treatment made me Angry! This is the typical Wall Street answer of stay to course.
I saw this happen to me personally.
When my portfolio vanished by 42% (which took me 15 years to accumulate!). I asked my company ADVISER what happened. They gave me the same answer a "market event".
My three hundred and fifty thousand dollar 401K was slashed to just over two hundred thousand.
My reaction was "There has to be a better way"- which set me on this five year journey to help not only my family but those in my community.
Back to the couple in front of me...
The big risk they had was they’d end up with a nest egg that’s far short of where it needed to be to fund their retirement years, especially if there was another 40% market downer.
Here is a quick story to show what I mean.....
What if you got onto an airplane and the pilot says, “There’s only a 10% chance we’ll arrive at our destination today”
What would you do?
Get off the plane in a hurry I hope.
According to the Center for retirement Research at Boston College, “Less than 10% of bommer retirees will be lucky enough, and smart enough, to plan and…. prosper in retirement.” The article went on to say 3 things are needed:
1. You must have a Plan
2. You must evaluate your risk tolerance
3. You must act NOW.
("3 keys to increase retirement success": FOXbusiness 8/16/013)
My clients had all their retirement funds “at risk” in the stock market and they wanted safety and fast. They didn't want to lose any more money!
What they wanted was Guarantees of Safety and Security for their retirement funds.
Here are the 5 precise questions I asked (which you should be asking yourself now too):
What does your retirement plan look like? "What is a retirement plan? We thought you stashed money away and at retirement this miracle occurs and all our need would be taken care of..... but we're beginning to realize that may not be the case."
Your Answer:
How Much Income will you need during retirement? What will be your basic income needs? How about fun things like dinners out, visiting the grandchildren, going on that dream cruise you've had on your list for years? They didn't know.
Your Answer:
How long will your income last during retirement? "Big worry about that one!"
Your Answer:
Can your income go down during retirement? You know retirement is Not a good time to run out of money or have a reduction in monthly income? "We're assuming we'll be short."
Your Answer:
Are you protected if you have a health event? A long Term Care Situation?
If any of those questions gave you cause for concern the next questions may give you some hope:
Did you know there are insurance products that can guarantee that you cannot lose your principal investment? "no"
Did you know these annuity products guarantee competitive growth for retirement income streams that will never stop until you both die? "no"
Did you know these income streams will never go down and income continues even if the account values goes down to zero in case of longevity? "no"
Would you like additional retirement money every month in your mailbox guaranteed in addition to your social security checks?
Would you be interested in putting some of your money where you cannot lose your principal and get guaranteed lifetime retirement income that will never go down? "yes?"
This is exactly what I do.
I focus on Safe Retirement Income and what I do is show our people like you how to create and income stream from their money that they’ll never outlive.
An article titled “Indexed Annuities Increase Retirement Success to 97.5%” states the solutions to 97.5% retirement success I using fixed indexed annuities. (1/2014 InsuranceNetNews Magazine)
Fixed Indexed Annuities guarantee you can’t lose your principal.
So back to the couple.......
I helped them develop a comprehensive plan based on their risk tolerance.
They acted and moved some of their money to the safety of the insurance industry with a fixed indexed annuity.
If you can’t afford to lose 40% of your retirement income again, please contact me for a no obligation and no pressure consultation.
D Cory Payne
Beehive Insurance Retirement Planning Services
302 West 5400 South #101
Murray, Utah 84107
801-685-6875 Direct
801-685-2899 Fax
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