Thursday, November 20, 2014

Do You Want Lifetime Income in Retirement?

Do You Want Lifetime Income in Retirement?

Will you have a dependable income to sustain your lifestyle in retirement?

Do you want insurance against general stock market declines and poor individual investment decisions?

Would you rather have a financial product with a 4% guaranteed return rather than a product offering 8% that could lose value due to market downturns?

Do you want money safety with upside potential?

Do you worry about going to your daughter-in-law or someone else to manage your finances in retirement because you’ve run out of money?

Do you always want to get a check in your mailbox every month until you pass away?

Do you have enough money to sustain the retirement movie you’ve seen playing in your mind?

If you can build an income stream that you cannot destroy, and buy it in way you won’t lose your principal whether you or your spouse lives or dies, would you want that?

Want retirement income that you don’t have to worry about?

To most people it's all about money safety an income during retirement, insurance provides this safety and income.

D Cory Payne
Beehive Insurance Retirement Planning Services
302 West 5400 South #101
Murray, Utah 84107
